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3. Add practical ideas, suggestions and lessons on how to enhance this Mitzva
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Thursday, June 10, 2010

meaning in the effort

I receive daily inspirational emails. I received this one today and am sharing it with all of you.
Kibud av vaem can sometimes be a tall order (and other times sheer pleasure). I was hoping you might gain something from this in regards to kibud av vaem or any other area of you life.

Meaning in the effort
Because there is darkness, light has value. Because of the challenges, the rewards have meaning.
The essence of great art is in the authentic physical, mental and spiritual effort that creates it. If it were easy, instant and free, no one would care about it.

When the path becomes steep, that's no reason to despair. For it means you are making progress and nearing the top.

Do you find yourself wishing that life could be easier? Take that as your prompting to go out and make it more meaningful.

Because a life free of effort is not really what you want. What you really want is for every effort to bring a meaningful sense of fulfillment.

When your purpose is clear and honestly you, everything is an opportunity. Feel the beauty of that purpose, and eagerly greet whatever may come.

-- Ralph Marston


  1. Noting the great effort Kibbud Av V'aim can require, this Mitzvah is referred to as the "weightiest of the weighty commandments." This severity is offset only by the corresponding Divine blessings in reward for its observance, which man reaps in this world as well as in the world to come. Thank you for sharing this inspirational email!

  2. Deena- your email is inspiring!
