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Sunday, June 6, 2010

In parshas kedoshim it says kedoshim tihiyu , ish imo veaviv tirau,es shabbosai tishmoru(however u spell that!)

The rebbe says that since the torah is very careful with every word it uses and were the word is put than there must be a reason why these 3 are near each other .

so lets start with kedoshim tehiyu :be holy - being holy doesn't just mean that when you daven you should be holy and when you do mitzvos you should be holy because that's sort of natural meaning its intrinsic .

so when do u have to be holy? when you do business ,eating..etc when you don't automatically look like your doing something holy or something that differentiates you as a frum jew that's when you have to be"holy"like saying a bracha on food being honest in work..etc .

so what does this have to connect with honoring our parents(which is our next commandment)?who teaches us how to be holy? -our parents and that's how the 1st 2 commandments connect.

now the last commandment es shabbosai tishmoru :keep shabbos what does that have to do with honoring parents? to answer this i will 1st explain what does it mean to keep shabbos-if you tell a non-Jew to close his store on shabbos he will say why should i... i get most of my business then but however most jews on the other hand close their store on shabbos. why ?because we yiddin have imunna in hashem that he will provide us with what we need .now who gives us this emuna and bitachon? our parents .

i hope you enjoyed, sorry if it was a bit long .and i hope that this will be a zchus for sruly to have a complete and speedy recovery

Sara chanowitz Montreal


  1. Sarah, thank you for sharing, it was really sweet and easy to follow:)

  2. ur welcome glad u understood and thnx to u too 4 setting it up!
