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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Inspiration from you

Dear Sruly, Chany, Chaya, Esty and Sara,

We here in Boulder Colorado are thinking of you and Davening for you along with people around the world. I just got off with Argentina and the Yeshiva there will be davening as well. Iyh, we are sure that everything will go well and we will be able to celebrate a Seudas Hodoah together. As a younger sister, I have watched the way you treat and honor Deddy and Mommy. No little small or big thing is too much for you. I can't believe how many times you made the trek from Monsey to Brooklyn so that you could be there. You are an inspiration.

If we can help in any way, please tell us.

Love the Scheiner families

1 comment:

  1. Refua Sheleima! May Hashem give your blessings in this difficult period in your lives and may it be short and may it pass without a trace!
