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Friday, June 11, 2010

Super News

I was just in the hospital and saw Sruli, (Rabbi Yisrael Chanowitz) just as he came out of surgery. He was talking and very animated. He seemed to be on a high, kind of like someone who comes in first at a triathilon. He kissed me twice, once for myself and once for my brother, Benzy (Rabbi Chanowitz of Monticello).

He took hold of a cell phone and spoke to his sister Simie Shtrocks from BC and wished her well.

He wished my father a refuah Shleima.

He had some pain in his shoulder, but seemed to experience a euphoria, seemingly from the miracle of having made it through a successful surgery.

I would like to thank all the people that davened for my brother, especially for the yeshiva Ohr Somayach that had a Tehillim vigil last night.

There has been an outpouring of concern and support from family, friends, and Sruli,s fan club from around the world, which is very heartwarming

Please continue saying tehillim, to thank Hashem for this miracle and to ask Hashem to ease my brother's recuperation

Gutt Shabbos

Moishe L. Chanowitz

1 comment:

  1. Wow~ WE are so grateful to Hashem for all his Chassadim and for all that continue to daven for a Refuah Shelaima. May we only share in simchos!
