Please use this blog to:

1. Refresh your knowledge of Hilchos Kibbud Av V'Aim
2. Share insight and meaningful anectodes with others (Chicken Soup for the Soul - Style)
3. Add practical ideas, suggestions and lessons on how to enhance this Mitzva
4. Read the posts and get inspired
5. Use the forum to get, or give, advice on any Kibbud Av V'Aim question you might have
6. Strengthen your observance of this Mitzvah for Sruly's Zchus

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Dear all;
Thank you very much for rooting for me!
I hope we all learn allot from this blog and never need to do this for you!
May Hashem help us all collectively and respectively to be M'Chazek the world around us.
Then by connecting the dots of the Achdus of all the people from around the world who are being Mispallel for me, May we be Zoche to Yeshuas Hashem K'Heref Ayin! The real Yeshuah is with the coming of Moshiach!
I Love You All!
Chizku V'Yaamtzu Livavchem!
Gut Shabbos!
Yisroel Chanowitz


  1. Sruly, we are in awe of how you have been handling this nissayon! We are sure that in the zechus of all the special things that you do and especially the Mitzvah of Kibbud Av Viaim, Hashem will give you a complete Refuah Shelaima and that the surgery will go well without any complications.
    Many people, all over the world, even in far off Boulder, CO are davening for you. I still remember some of your amazing speeches at our simchos and more importantly the way you connected to the people and inspired them by being so real.

    Chany Scheiner

  2. Dear Uncle Sruly,
    Just want you to know that we are all thinking about you and davening for you. May you be Zocheh to a complete and speedy recovery. May Hashem guide the doctor's hands so that everything goes well.
    Levi, Estie and family
    Sunrise FL
